1. I am allowed to take up space.
  2. I am allowed to be strong
  3. I am allowed to be independent
  4. I choose peace
  5. I am not my past
  6. I live in the present
  7. I have already succeeded today
  8. I deserve to feel happy
  9. I am worthy of love
  10. I accept love, I allow love, I am love
  11. I love myself deeply
  12. I am in control of my emotions
  13. I am in control of my actions
  14. I control my thoughts
  15. I think positive thoughts
  16. I am strong enough to make my own decisions
  17. I live my own life
  18. I live the life I choose
  19. I am healthy and strong
  20. I am calm, happy, and content
  21. I stay calm in the chaos
  22. I appreciate everything in my life
  23. I have endless opportunities
  24. Money flows to me
  25. I am a warrior
  26. I conquer my fears
  27. I believe in the process
  28. The universe guides me
  29. I am abundant
  30. I accept and allow my success
  31. I cannot fail because I do not quit
  32. I am powerful
  33. My Warrior goddess guides me to greatness
  34. I do not stop
  35. I push forward even in the face of fear
  36. I have what I need to succeed
  37. I am what I need to succeed
  38. Happiness is of my own making
  39. I do my best every day
  40. I walk with my head held high
  41. I am confident
  42. I create the world around me
  43. My voice is powerful and will be heard
  44. My power is in my uniqueness
  45. I let go of what does not serve me
  46. I am worthy and deserving of respect
  47. I do not compare myself to others, for, no one is me, but me  
  48. I achieve all I want in life
  49. I create change
  50. I put myself first so that I CAN take care of others
  51. I love my journey
  52. I give my energy to positive thoughts
  53. Where energy goes abundance flows
  54. I take steps daily toward my goals
  55. I make progress every day
  56. I am better today than I was yesterday
  57. I stand for what is right
  58. I am honest
  59. I am prepared for my success
  60. I am resilient
  61. I live with gratitude in my heart
  62. I create solutions
  63. I execute my plans with action
  64. I am divine
  65. I am one with the universe
  66. I do what it takes
  67. I finish things
  68. I am stronger than even I can imagine
  69. I rise above negative thoughts and emotions
  70. Obstacles are learning experiences
  71. I have overcome everything that has come my way
  72. I adapt to change
  73. My biggest dreams are possible
  74. I was born for greatness
  75. I listen to my body as it speaks to me
  76. I am not defined by my past
  77. I choose courage over comfort
  78. I take responsibility for my choices and outcomes
  79. I take action on my dreams
  80. Things always work out for me
  81. I have knowledge and experiences that this world needs
  82. I lead with love
  83. I know hard situations are temporary and I overcome them
  84. I am proud of my efforts
  85. My heart is pure
  86. I protect my family
  87. Every expert was once a beginner
  88. My actions create prosperity
  89. I can take care of myself and my family
  90. I feel safe in my body
  91. My body is a powerful tool
  92. I am exactly where I am meant to be
  93. I find meaning and purpose in my challenges
  94. My challenges have empowered me
  95. I reclaim my power
  96. I follow my heart
  97. My life is of purpose and I live my divine path
  98. I ask questions so I may understand fully
  99. I seek the truth
  100. I am organized, efficient and abundant
  101. I am in flow with my inner warrior
  102. I write my own story

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