There are many beliefs and theories about the laws of the universe, but here are 12 commonly recognized laws:

  1. The Law of Divine Oneness – Everything is connected and everything is one. The Law of Divine Oneness
  2. The Law of Vibration – Everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration.
  3. The Law of Action – To achieve anything, you must take action.
  4. The Law of Correspondence – Your outer world reflects your inner world.
  5. The Law of Cause and Effect – Every action has a reaction, and every cause has an effect.
  6. The Law of Compensation – You get what you give.
  7. The Law of Attraction – You attract what you focus on and believe in.
  8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – You have the power to change your life by changing your energy.
  9. The Law of Relativity – Everything is relative and nothing is absolute.
  10. The Law of Polarity – Everything has an opposite, and opposites are necessary for balance.
  11. The Law of Rhythm – Everything in the universe has a rhythm, a cycle, and a pattern.
  12. The Law of Gender – Everything has masculine and feminine energy, and both are necessary for creation and manifestation.

For more on each of these please click the links provided next to each one.

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