What Are Thoughts?

Our thoughts create our reality.

Through thinking our beliefs become real.

Thoughts are energy, thoughts are creation itself.

Our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us shape our thoughts.

How This Energy Works

If you have negative beliefs about yourself or the world around you, your thoughts, in turn, will be negative.

On the contrary, if you have positive beliefs about yourself and the world around you, you will have positive thoughts.

Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

What Napoleon meant by this is your imagination, or in other words, your thoughts.

If you can think something in your mind and fully believe it, it will become real.

You are only limited by your imagination and the thoughts that you hold in your mind.

How Do I Change My Thoughts?

As stated above, your thoughts are based on your personal beliefs.

Beliefs that have been ingrained in you since birth.

Some of these beliefs you are not even aware of.

This is called a paradigm.

A paradigm is like a computer program, it has its instructions, and it sticks to those instructions, no matter what.

This is why you do not exercise even though you know you will lose weight if you do. Or why do you keep eating junk food even though you know it is bad for you? It is your programming to not workout just as it is your programming to eat junk food to feel better after a tough day.

To change your thoughts, you must change your beliefs, to change your beliefs you must address your paradigm.

Were you raised to believe that money does not grow on trees? Money is the root of all evil. Or how about, you must work hard to get anywhere in life?

These are all beliefs that were put on you by the world around you without you even noticing. They are ingrained in you even if you do not want to believe them.

To change the deep-rooted beliefs, you must surround yourself with positive messages, you must use your imagination and visualize your success, and your life as it would be if those beliefs did not exist.

How To Use Your Imagination

Your imagination is your most powerful tool in the world.

By imagination alone, you can, and you will transform your life into something most people could only dream of.

The technique in which you must put your energy and efforts in order to change your life completely is visualization.

Sit down every morning before you start your day and every night before you fall asleep and think about your ultimate desire.

What is it you want more than anything in this entire world?

What type of life do you want to live?

Who do you want next to you?

And how would each of these thoughts make you feel if you had it right now?

When visualizing your perfect world, do it as if you already have it, feel as if it were your reality.

What does it smell like? How does the food taste?

Most importantly, WHO do you want to be? How do you walk? How do you dress? How do you talk? Are you fit and healthy? How do you want others to see you?

EVERY detail must be accounted for, and each of your senses must be utilized.


Do this for 30 days morning and night and see how your life changes.

If you stray from this exercise, you will hold yourself back from that which you are visualizing.

If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts or having fears or doubts during the day, stop what you are doing and visualize again what it is that you desire.

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